RRCA Women's Distance Festival

5K Run

Saturday, July 26, 1997 at 9 am

Rocky Gap State Park, I68 Exit 50

Sponsor by the Queen City Striders


All pre-registered runners will recieve a t-shirt. Registration fees: $10 by 7/19, $12 after 7/19. Mail check to: Queen City Striders, P.O. Box 36, Cumberland, Md 21501.

Restrooms and showers will be available. Medals will be presented to the top three finishers. Homemade awards will also be given in the following age groups: 19 and under, 20-29,30-39,40-49 and 50 and over. Special awards for the fastest Mother/Daughter and Sister/Sister team.

Children are invited to come run in Mommy's Footsteps Fun Run. It will follow immediately after the women's race. Participation is free and special souvenirs will be given to all the children who participate.

Call Maureen Hall (301) 724-7422 or Natalie Zimmerman (301) 729-4296 for more information. The results will be posted and on this site following the race.